The Social Sciences students of 1st course of ESO are travelling through different stages of history: Prehistory, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, through the globalized project Let’s travel back in time!  designed by their teachers. 

The subjects of Catalan, Spanish, Social Sciences and also English work together in this educational proposal to deepen the students of 1st ESO in the events that happened in prehistoric times and in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The four stages are dynamized from an interactive digital learning environment, which launches our peculiar time machine, with which students go back in time and advance through the differents stages while solving puzzles, overcoming challenges and so on. 


Within this project students and teachers have been travelling back in time in English.  We have studied the art of different historical periods with AICLE methodology: from cave paintings, through the pyramids, treating Greek sculptures, arriving to the Roman temples, etc. As a final result students have designed speech bubbles with different artistic samples, which we have hung on the chronological axis of the hallway on the first floor of the high school.

Click here to see more photos of our time travel!

Let’s travel back in time in English!

Viatgem en el temps en anglès!

Els alumnes de Ciències Socials de 1r d’ESO estem fent un viatge a través de diferents etapes de la història: la Prehistòria, l’Antic Egipte, l’Antiga Grècia i Roma.

A partir de la metodologia AICLE, hem treballat l’art de diferents períodes històrics: des de les pintures rupestres, passant per les piràmides, tractant les escultures gregues, arribant als temples romans, etc.

Com a resultat final hem realitzat unes bafarades amb diferents mostres artístiques, les quals anem penjant a l’eix cronològic del passadís de la primera planta de l’institut.