This has already been the 4th year that we implement the CLIL methodology in the classrooms of the Institut Bellvitge!!

Our students have used English as the vehicular language as they engaged in multiple and challenging interventions. Here are some examples:

1st ESO. Social Science. Teacher: Sílvia Torres

During the first and second terms, the students have carried out the globalized project called “A Journey Through Time”. As part of this project, some activities were conducted in English. For example, the topic of mummification included a cycle of activities that began with the introduction of specific vocabulary in English, so that the students could later be able to work on the comprehension of oral texts (didactic videos in the original version without subtitles). The teacher tasks included (a) consolidation of the specific vocabulary used in the videos; (b) the elicitation of vocabulary or ideas from students; (c) translation of complicated excerpts; and finally, (d) the discussion of the contents with the whole class.

3rd ESO. Biology. Teacher: Elvira Fernández

Our students have discovered the human body in a singular way: they have carried out several dissections of different organs while using the English language to communicate. At the end of the school year, just before going out on the Camp d’Aprenentatge, we introduced the vocabulary and concepts necessary to understand the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Once in Empúries, the students could understand better what they had done in class, and they really appreciated it.

Here you can see some students in the Aiguamolls (Empordà), looking at the local flora and fauna:

3rd ESO. Physics/Chemistry. Cristina Abad

Students have experienced the principle of conservation of mass as well as chemical reactions in the lab. Using a different language in an unusual space has been highly motivating for students, since it allows them to learn in a new way. Gamification, manipulation and cooperation form part of a very enriching cocktail for physics and chemistry classes!!

3rd and 4th ESO: Cooperative Group: Sílvia Torres

This small group of students does a subject which is a mixture of social sciences and English language. One of the projects that was carried out was the “Vegetable Garden Project”. Within this project, one of the students’ favorite games was “memory”, a vocabulary game that was used to introduce and / or revise the names of fruits and vegetables. In addition, there were other sessions and activities devoted to everyday topics such as habits, clothes, giving and understanding directions in a city, and so on.

In the pictures below you can see students creating their own Memory game.

Last but not least, these learning experiences have taken place thanks to the cooperative dynamics and the spaces for reflection that are an integral part of the varied proposals implemented this year.

All in all, it has been a real pleasure to see that our students were able to communicate in English as they were learning the specific contents of the different subjects. So, we would like to congratulate our students for having overcome, once again, these stimulating, yet demanding learning experiences!

Activitats GEP 2021-2022

I seguim un any més, ja el 4t any amb la implementació de la metodologia AICLE a les aules de l’institut Bellvitge!

Les múltiples intervencions des de les diferents matèries, en les quals el nostre alumnat s’ha endinsat en reptes amb l’anglès com a llengua vehicular, han estat:

1r ESO. Ciències Socials. Professora: Sílvia Torres. Durant el primer i segon trimestres, l’alumnat ha realitzat el projecte globalitzat “el viatge en el temps”. Dins d’aquest projecte, algunes activitats es van dur en anglès. Per exemple, el tema de momificació incloïa un cicle d’activitats que començava amb la introducció de vocabulari específic en anglès, per tal de poder treballar la comprensió de textos orals (vídeos didàctics en versió original sense subtitular). Les tasques dels professors i professores implicats consistien a consolidar el vocabulari emprat en els vídeos, deducció de paraules o ideas dels vídeos, traduir fragments complicats i comentar els continguts amb tot el grup classe.

3r ESO. Biologia. Professora: Elvira Fernàndez. L’alumnat ha descobert el cos humà d’una manera singular: han fet diverses disseccions d’òrgans emprant la llengua anglesa. Per finalitzar el curs, abans d’anar al Camp d’Aprenentatge d’Empúries, vam introduir el vocabulari i els conceptes necessaris per entendre l’estructura i el funcionament dels ecosistemes. A Empúries els estudiants van poder comprovar i a entendre millor el que havien estudiat a l’aula.