From the 16th to the 20th of January, a group of 30 1st of Batxillerat students enjoyed the life and culture of one of the main cosmopolitan cities in Europe, London.
It has been an intense five day experience and the students could make the most of it.
Students have visited some of the most iconic places such as The Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, The House of Parliament and the Big Ben , Buckingham Palace or Picadilly Circus.They have also experienced the multicultural and lively atmosphere in London walking through different squares and markets. We have walked around Candem Town, Soho, Covent Garden,Hyde Park, Little Venice or along the River Thames…
LONDON EXPERIENCE has also covered visits to the most relevant museums in the city. We have visited:
Tate modern, which has over a hundred years of art, from modernism in the early 1900s, to exciting works created today;
National Gallery, where students have been able to see some of the world’s most famous art masterpieces
British Museum, which houses a vast collection of artefacts and objects from Ancient Egypt, Greece, Japan or Africa, among others.
Natural History Museum, where we could enjoy its great exhibition of dinosaurs
Victoria & Albert museum ,which is the world’s largest museum of applied arts, decorative arts and design.
It has been a great experience! The students have enjoyed not only the city of London and its awesome atmosphere ,but they have also experienced how Londoners live.Our students have stayed with British families and so they have been able to see and share their way of life.
Del 16 al 20 de gener, un grup de 30 alumnes de 1r de batxillerat va poder gaudir de la vida i cultura d’una de les ciutats més cosmopolites d’Europa, Londres. Encara que només han estat cinc dies, els alumnes han aprofitat al màxim aquesta “experience”.
Hem visitat alguns dels llocs més icònics de la ciutat, com The Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, The Big Ben, Buckinham Palace o Picadilly Circus. També hem gaudit de l’ambient multicultural i vibrant de la capital britànica endinsant-nos a differents barris, parcs i mercats, com Candem Town, Soho, Covent garden, Hyde park o Little Venice, sense oblidar-nos de fer una agradable passejada per la vora del riu Tàmesi.
A més a més, hem visitat els museus més rellevants de la ciutat, hem estat a la Tate Modern, National Gallery, British Museum, Natural History Museum i a l’Albert and Victoria Museum.
Ha sigut una experiencia magnifica perquè els estudiants no només han gaudit de la ciutat i tot el que aquesta ofereix, sinó que han estat allotjats amb famílies i per tant també han pogut veure de primera mà com viuen els londinencs.