This year I have been lucky enough with my students of 3rd ESO A and B, 1rst ESO B and 2nd Bachillerato A and B. They have accepted all my ideas and together we have worked in countless ideas.
All of our boys and girls have proved to be original, creative and brave to produce videos with wonderful and astonishing results that most of the time went beyond my expectations. We have thousands of samples of their work but, unfortunately, we only can show a few of them. Thanks to all for their effort and dedication.
Following the project for schools of the famous primatologist and naturalist Jane Goodall, we are designing some campaings to improve our nearby environment. According to the guidelines of Roots and Shoots project, our students have to choose in which of these three fields they would like to work: animals, people or environment, identify some existing problem in their nearby environment and design a solution.
When the campaign is finished, we will have to explain it to the class or probably to small children.
We are nowadays still working in several projects
environmental area
how to clean the river Llobregat
find out the quality of the air we are breathing
how to improve the coexistence between football players and quiet neighbours by designing a new football pitch
how to stop the pet abandoning
the design of a programme to teach people how to take care of dogs and cats if someone thinks about having one
how to build a shelter for abandoned animals in our area
how to take care of our disattended elder people
how to assist people in need of money and basic needs
3rd ESO and 2nd BAtxillerat
Answer and Walk : The students have to answer questions while they are doing something else. They can do it in pairs and they can make an impersonation or answer the questions as a fake character.
Rapid Fire questions: Pair working. Each has to answer the same question but pretending to be the other person of the pair to find out to which extent they know the other one.
A day in the life of… In this activity students have to show a day in the life of one object, fluffy toy or pet. They should put the voiceover explaining the daily routine of the object or animal.
We try to present all our projects in front of the class. Here we have some examples.
My Photoalbum 1rst ESO and 3erd ESO
They have to show pictures of their childhood and even bring a beloved object to explain some funny stories to the class.
Women change the world
Related with the 8th March the International Women Day they show pictures and biographies about important but ignored women that they find throuhout history.
Combining song lyrics, poems, parts of films or novels they draw and put texts related with the drawing. Finally all the artists, 3rds and 1rst of ESO B, vote the three best masterpieces. We have displayed all in the corridors
Blackout poetry: 1rst ESO B. Is it possible to make poetry out of daily newspapers? Our 1rst esos students know how as you can see in the following pictures.
Carpeta blackout poetry
Bookwormers Our 1rst ESO B’s show how to be real bookeaters by decorating the class with all their readings
Carpeta bookwormers