This year we have a new project to improve our English: Service-learning “Language Assistants”. Following our programe Language Assistants a team of students of 4th of ESO did a successful workshop on students of 6th of Primary in School Ramon Muntaner. The lesson, aimed at improving their oral skills in English, was based on a Kahhot game on famous people and historical figures such as Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, Pablo Picasso, Bethoven or Mercè Rodoreda among many others. Primary students had previously studied their biographies, and revised the past simple and the Question words (Who, When, Where, Which, What, Why). The young students took part with great interest and sense of enjoyment. Here are some images fo the workshop.
Podeu veure un petit reportatge de la sessió que hem fet a l’escola Ramon Muntaner en aquest enllaç