Curs 2021-2022: El Departament d’Educació certifica el nostre Programa Plurilingüe!

Des de l’equip impulsor GEP (Generació Plurilingüe) ens fa molta il·lusió compartir aquesta notícia: hem acreditat l’Institut Bellvitge com a centre amb Programa GEP.

PROGRAMA GEP (Generació Plurilingüe)

El programa GEP és un programa d’innovació pedagògica del Departament d’Ensenyament. Les accions del programa GEP s’orienten a incrementar el temps d’exposició de l’alumnat a les llengües estrangeres curriculars.

La durada del programa és de tres cursos escolars. El nostre institut ha estat seleccionat per portar-lo a terme a partir del curs 2018-19. Durant aquest temps, docents dels centres amb una acreditació suficient de coneixements de llengua estrangera reben formació sobre enfocaments CLIL (aprenentatge integrat de contingut i llengua estrangera).

La metodología AICLE no és nova al nostre centre. Ja hem fet alguns passos en l’aplicació d’aquesta metodología que pretenem ampliar amb la incorporació al programa GEP. Tot seguit us en donem més detalls.

The GEP program (Multilingual Generation) is a pedagogical innovation program of the Department of Education. The actions of the GEP program are aimed at increasing the exposure time of students to foreign curricular languages.

The program will be implemented during three school years. Our school has been selected to carry it out from the 2018-19 course. During this time, teachers from centres with a sufficient accreditation of foreign language skills will receive training on CLIL (integrated content learning and foreign language).

The CLIC methodology is not new in our school. We have already done some steps in the application of this methodology that we intend to expand with the incorporation into the GEP program.

Here a small sample of activities:

GEP activities 2022 – 2023

Activitats GEP: Socials, Física i Química, Biologia i, com a novetat, Música

GEP activities 2021 – 2022

Activitats GEP: Física i Química, Socials, Biologia

GEP activities 2020 – 2021

Social Sciences (1r ESO)- The Hydrosphere
Social Sciences (1st ESO)- Let’s travel back in time in English!
Social Sciences (Cooperative Group ,3rd and 4th ESO) – Baroque Art
GEP Physics and Chemistry (3rd ESO) – CHEMICAL REACTIONS! SEEING THE INVISIBLE. What trick does the magic of chemical reactions hide?
GEP Natural Sciences (4rth ESO teaches 1rst ESO in English)- The Universe, the galaxies and the Solar System


GEP activities 2019-20

Physics and Chemistry (4th ESO)- The Carrot Case, live a criminal investigation experience in our lab!
Social Sciences (1st ESO)- Let’s travel back in time in English!
GEP Physics and Chemistry (3rd ESO) – CHEMICAL REACTIONS! SEEING THE INVISIBLE. What trick does the magic of chemical reactions hide?

GEP activities 2018-19

Social Sciences- The Ancient Egypt
Physics and Chemistry in the kitchen
Social Economy

Life and Science Magazine

Life and Science is a science magazine that we publish within our Tandem with the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute.
This year the students of 3rd grade of ESO have successfully done it. The magazine includes science articles in the English language.

Interview to Estefano Toma

Bell News Magazine

Bell News is the institute’s 1st ESO students magazine. The magazine is led by the teachers of Catalan and Spanish, that teach students the mechanisms of journalistic language. It also includes articles in the English language.

Interviewing tourists at the airport


Bilingual recipe